The Monday, December 2, 2024, CAHSD Board Meeting is canceled.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look in the Board/Public Notices section of our website for upcoming Board Meeting dates/times.

Category: Addiction Recovery

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“Driving Into Recovery” in Port Allen

Click here to see the event recap video! CAHS’ Prevention and Wellness Services team celebrated another successful “Driving Into Recovery” event, June 8, in Port

Special Narcan training for CAHS staff

On June 4, CAHS’s Prevention Team provided training about opioids and overdoses for the agency’s staff who are part of the new Certified Community Behavioral

H.E.L.P. Movement Health Fair

Pictured above (l-r): Program Monitor Supervisor Yolanda Yancy, RPP, and Program Monitor Tamara Jones represented CAHS at the H.E.L.P. (Hope. Empowerment. Love. Purpose.) Movement Community

Bridging the Gap Community Resource Fair

Pictured (l-r): CAHS Social Service Counselors Rosalyn Davis, CAC, and Samantha Moore attended the May 21 Bridging the Gap Community Resource Fair, presented by the

CAHS participates in Live Well Baton Rouge event

Pictured: CAHS Prevention and Wellness Services Director Bridget Lewis, MS-LPP, (standing), School Based Therapist Mary Hanken, LCSW (seated) and Problem Gambling Coordinator Kyllie Jenkins, MS,

CAHS raises awareness about deadly fentanyl

Click here to watch CAHS’ warning about fentanyl. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin, and fentanyl kills. Counterfeit pills and other illicit substances are

Behavioral Health Day at the State Capitol

Pictured (l-r): CAHS Peer Support Specialist Dustin Englehart; Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Office Manager Chiquita Cain; Social Service Counselor Rosalyn Davis, CAC; and Case