The Monday, December 2, 2024, CAHSD Board Meeting is canceled.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look in the Board/Public Notices section of our website for upcoming Board Meeting dates/times.

Category: Addiction Recovery

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CAHS team attends Community Prayer Breakfast

CAHS Prevention Coordinator Alicia Richbourg, PSIT, and Prevention Project Coordinator Ricki Davis attended the Community Prayer Breakfast, held at Boudreaux’s in Baton Rouge on Sept.

Dr. Laughinghouse presents at recovery summit

CAHS Executive Director Jan Laughinghouse, PhD, LCSW-BACS, LAC, CCS, was a panelist at the Expanding Recovery Pathways Summit, held Aug. 27 at the Pennington Biomedical

Southern University Health and Wellness Day

CAHS Prevention Coordinators Alicia Richbourg and Ricki Davis attended Southern University’s Health and Wellness Day event, held Aug. 22 at the university’s Smith-Brown Memorial Union