CAHS’ School Based Summer Enrichment Program served 201 clients in June and July through an interactive camp experience that utilized indoor and outdoor activities to help the students prepare for success in school and at home.
Activities included crafts, recreation, and skill building that focused on self-esteem and positive affirmations. CAHS school based therapists staffed the camps, held at nine elementary schools, and worked to reinforce positive self-talk and unique characteristics among the students.
“This annual program focuses on helping children develop critical life skills that help them succeed wherever they are,” said Bethany Sclafani, LCSW-BACS, who directs CAHS’ School Based Behavioral Health Program.
Thanks to the following schools for serving as host sites:
Ascension Parish: Central Primary School
East Baton Rouge Parish: Capitol, Dufrocq, Greenbrier, La Belle Aire, and Magnolia Woods elementary schools
East Feliciana Parish: Jackson Elementary School
Iberville Parish: Dorseyville Elementary School
West Baton Rouge Parish: Cohn Elementary School