The Monday, December 2, 2024, CAHSD Board Meeting is canceled.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look in the Board/Public Notices section of our website for upcoming Board Meeting dates/times.

Category: Problem gambling

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Housing Authority New Roads’ health fair

Pictured above (l-r): CAHS Social Service Counselor Rosalyn Davis, PLPC, CAC; and Prevention Program Monitors Yolanda Yancy, RPP; and Tamara Jones, PSIT; attended the Housing

CAHS provides info at BR Pride Festival

Pictured above (l-r): Program Monitor Supervisor Yolanda Yancy, RPP; Gambling Coordinator Kyllie Jenkins, MS, CAC, CCGC; Prevention Coordinator Alicia Richbourg; and Program Monitor Tamara Jones.

Problem gambling: CAHS offers free help

Click here to watch our new 30-second commercial, and help us spread the word that recovery from problem gambling is real.  March is Problem Gambling Awareness