The Monday, January 6, 2025, CAHSD Board Meeting is canceled.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look in the Board/Public Notices section of our website for upcoming Board Meeting dates/times.

Category: Alcohol

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West Baton Rouge Art & Addiction Luncheon

CAHS Prevention Coordinators Dawn Collins and Alicia Richbourg (pictured, l-r) were among 45 attendees at the Art & Addiction luncheon, presented by and held at

Behavioral Health Day in downtown BR

CAHS Prevention Specialist Alicia Richbourg attended the Annual Behavioral Health Day, presented by the Louisiana Mental Health Association and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

Hollywood Street Church Community Health Fair

(Pictured l-r above): CAHS Prevention Coordinators Alicia Richbourg and Dawn Chanet Collins “took to the streets,” April 29, providing educational materials and resources at the