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Suicide prevention at DIAMONDS Leadership Academy

March 14, 2022

Pictured above (l-r): DIAMONDS Leadership Academy Director Rolanda Gibson and CAHS Prevention Program Monitor Yolanda Yancy, RPP.

CAHS’ Prevention Division presented at a March 12 workshop about suicide prevention and coping skills for female students of DIAMONDS Leadership Academy and their parents.

The presentation, held at the Eden Park Library, was part of a mentoring program for students in grades 6-12.

DIAMONDS requested the presentation to give the young women strategies and tools to cope with and manage challenging and stressful situations they might face at school, at home, or in the community.

The students engaged in discussions about being self- aware, gaining self-control, building healthy relationships, and developing coping skills to enhance wise decision-making.

In Louisiana, suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, ages 15 to 34, resulting in an average of one death by suicide every 12 hours.

In 2019, more than three times as many people died by suicide than from alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents. (Source: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention/CDC)