The Monday, September 9, 2024, CAHSD Board Meeting is canceled.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look in the Board/Public Notices section of our website for upcoming Board Meeting dates/times. 

Prom and Prevention: W. Feliciana students trained

April 21, 2023

Students Against Destructive Decisions at West Feliciana High School hosted its “2023 Prom Week” on April 21 in partnership with the West Feliciana Prevention Coalition.

Students received drawstring totes and other promo items.

More than 200 students attended the event, which provided them with an opportunity to learn about the risks of underage drinking and other illicit drugs.

CAHS Prevention Program Monitor Supervisor Bridget Lewis, MS-LPP, staffed an educational table about CAHS’ services and shared CAHS’ materials about anti-bullying (“Be an Up Stander, stand up to bullying”) along with information about alcohol, opioids, vaping, hookah and electronic cigarette prevention. Click here to see the “Be an Up Stander” info sheet.

“This campaign is really cool,” said one of the students. “Things are better now, but when I was in middle school, I was almost bullied to the point where I considered committing suicide. Thank you guys for speaking about it.”

Other vendors in attendance included the Louisiana State Library, Healthy Blue Louisiana, STAR (Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response), the Baton Rouge Food Bank, and Humana.