CAHS’ Prevention Team joined the fun as parents and students participated in the Gardere Initiative’s 18th “Back to School Extravaganza,” held Aug. 3 at BREC’s Hartley/Vey Park.
More than 300 children and adults attended the fun and informative event that included music, food, games, and educational booths staffed by various agencies and organizations that focus on helping families.
CAHS Prevention Division Director, Bridget Lewis, MS-LPP and Program Monitor, Tamara Jones, PSIT, talked with attendees about the dangers of vaping and synthetic drugs and distributed materials from the “Anti Bullying – Be More than a Bystander” campaign.
Literature about vaping, e-cigarettes and hookah-pens was available in Spanish. The team also provided families with information about CAHS’ School Based Behavioral Health Program.
Students were excited to receive the literature and promotional items, as several were seen playing with their fidget spinners, drinking from their CAHS water bottles, and sporting their CAHS sunglasses.