During June, CAHS’ Prevention Division staff conducted trainings about opioid awareness and overdose reversal for the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office and the Southern University police officers.
On June 15, CAHS Executive Director Jan Laughinghouse, PhD, LCSW-BACS, LAC, joined LaSOR Prevention Coordinators Dawn Collins and Alicia Richbourg to conduct the training for 51 staff of the A.G.’s office (pictured above).
The Attorney General’s staff members also were provided with 84 Narcan kits in case they are called to respond to opioid overdoses. Narcan is a life-saving medication that reverses the effects of opioid overdoses.
On June 20, at Southern University, Collins, Richbourg and CAHS Social Service Counselor Rosalyn Davis provided similar Narcan training to 20 university police officers who received Narcan kits and fentanyl test strips for their professional use.