Evelyn Lescano, 33, started drinking when she was 14.

“It was very normal to get drunk until you blacked out,” she recalls.
Despite her alcohol misuse, Lescano managed to complete high school, but her continued use of alcohol and other drugs led to a life on the streets, panhandling, and a heroin addiction.
Ultimately, her life reached its darkest days, but she saw a glimmer of hope through her friends who had decided to seek help for their drug addiction.
“I told myself, ‘if my friends could do it, I could, too.'”
Once in recovery, Lescano’s life began to brighten, and today she celebrates nine years of sobriety.
“There is a way out. It’s not always going to be easy, but it’s possible,” she says.
If you or someone you know needs help with alcohol and other drugs, please call us at 225-925-1906. Our caring and responsive professionals can help.

Click here to see Evelyn Lescano’s testimonial, produced by Tembi Muna.
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