The Monday, May 6, 2024, CAHSD Board Meeting is canceled.  We apologize for any inconvenience. Please look in the Board/Public Notices section of our website for upcoming Board Meeting dates/times. 

“Love Heals” free clinic helps 900 individuals

April 18, 2023
CAHS Prevention Coordinator Dawn Collins and “super volunteer” Michael Robertson.

CAHS staff joined the medical community and resource vendors at the annual “Love Heals” event at the Raising Canes River Center, April 15-16, where more than 900 individuals received free clinic services.

During the weekend, CAHS Prevention Coordinator Dawn Collins, Social Service Counselor Kyllie Jenkins, Social Service Counselor Megan Shields, and “super volunteer” Michael Robertson provided attendees with information about CAHS’ behavioral health, addiction recovery, and developmental disabilities services.

CAHS staff also provided medication record charts and educational materials about emotional intelligence.